Friday, August 31, 2007

Ready, Set, Go.

Daily Slideshow

Tables Await Jurors in the Congress Hall

The Jury is about to begin. As jurors arrived by ferry, tutors met with Dr. Peter Bruck, the Conference Chair, for a quick briefing before the official schedule. Technicians are making the last checks on the computer panels sitting patiently set up with over 50 products on each.

The Welcome Dinner tonight was the first opportunity for jurors to see everyone else who is
here. With new judges arriving and those who participated before reconnecting, it's a very exciting time. We honoured not only those who came to judge, but those who came to support them, their wives, brothers, partners and companions in the room. One of the tutors, Martina from Zagreb, celebrated her 20th Birthday.

Now everyone heads off to bed for the last of not-too-too-early mornings as the opening plenary is scheduled tomorrow.

We've gotten wind of an unofficial blog for the Jury by Jak Boumans, Co-Chair, link to be posted tomorrow.

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