Thursday, August 30, 2007

What is WSA?

For a brief introduction:
The World Summit Award (WSA) is a global initiative to select and promote the world’s best e-Content, started in 2003 in the framework of the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). This is done through national contests, a global contest, held every 2 years, and numerous content-focused national and international conferences and workshops – the WSA Road Show.

WSA is an invitation project and a global hub for everyone, who sees the crucial importance of excellent e-Content creation within the new Information Society. As of today, 168 countries are actively involved in WSA. New partners from all over the world are always welcome to join this global initiative!

What is the Digital Divide?
Digital libraries, new ways of storytelling and flash information have come to the living room. But what about people who are offline or do not speak English? Who don’t even know what Web or Internet mean? No, the problem is not that they don’t have a computer. The problem is that they don’t have access to high-quality contents that could change their lives.

What is the Content Gap?
As world economies focus on creating and improving technological products, the issue of content is considered insufficiently. Technology and what technology produces belong together – one cannot exist without the other. The ”what” however, the core of it all, remains a fraction of what it could be – due to an appalling lack of under financing.

This is straight from our website at


World internet summit said...

What a great event it is to bad it's only held every 2 years and not every year

Auto 1 said...

You gotta love the participation by the 168 countries

Loose weight Quick said...

That is true technology and what it produces belong together

Nissan 4x4 said...

Hi there well stated, nice blog