Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Day After the Jury

While the Jury may be over, the work of the E-Content world goes on. This morning the members of the jury who didn't have early flights met with Miroslav Kovačić, the Croatian Secretary of State for e-Croatia, where they were thanked for their good work and invited to give a piece of their expertise on the future of ICT development in Croatia. Jurors gave advice and asked questions on various topics, ranging from Dorothy Gordon's interest in the promotion of women in IT and platform neutral education to Latif Ladid sharing his expertise on Ipv6.

At noon, Dr. Peter Bruck spoke alongside the Secretary of State at the opening press conference of the E-Content Summit about the jury and the state of the E-Content industry. To the media, he spoke about the massive changes they are also seeing in their own field. Highlights of Croatian content were Urban Jungle, a product that teaches about driving right in the digitized streets of Rijeka and a Science and Physics teaching product.


Anonymous said...

When can we expect the final results od the competition? Would you be kind to post it on your blog?

Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

thank you for your great job, millions are kindly requesting the results on your blog
